Filming Support Service

HIV 101: HIV AIDS in Nepal

  • Film Specifications
  • Year 2012
  • Language Nepali
  • Subtitles English

The first case of AIDS in the Nepal was reported in 1988, since then, some 18,535 cases of HIV and AIDS have been reported till August 2011. The estimated adult HIV prevalence in Nepal is 0.39% with estimation of 63,528 people living with HIV. Globally, Prevention Revolution is recognized as the major tool, on getting Zero New HIV infection and zero discrimination. In Nepal, the epidemic is concentrated among some specific population, yet there is need to contentiously monitor the trend of epidemic.

People living in rural part of Nepal especially young girls and women still lacks comprehensive knowledge about HIV compared to those living in urban setting. Against this backdrop and with the objective of making HIV as development agenda, and be a topic of discussion in each house hold, this film gives the basic information about HIV and AIDS in Nepal.