TV series Singha Durbar supported by USAID Nepal is dubbed as the first political drama in Nepal, that aims to create possibilities for a collaborative political culture in the Nepali public imagination.
Singha Durbar is a 13-episode television drama series portraying collaborative leadership and good governance. The show tells the story of the inner-workings of the seemingly impenetrable central government of Nepal, humanizing the country’s politicians and creating role models for an inclusive, transparent and collaborative leadership style. Singha Durbar TV series is using the power of drama to create in its audience a sense of possibility that their government leaders could serve the whole country rather than their narrow political interests.
The series will hit the television screens this November. The TV series is produced by Search for Common Ground (SFCG) Nepal, and production partner Mila Productions.
Singha Durbar, funded by USAID, is a two-year project that aims at creating a collaborative political culture in Nepal through multimedia, dialogue facilitation and the engagement of policy think-tanks. The initiative centers on the production and broadcasting of two dramas: a political TV show, Singha Durbar, and a radio show, Gaun Gaunma Singha Durbar (Singha Durbar in Every Village), composed respectively of 13 and 52 episodes.
With Singha Durbar, we are increasing public knowledge of the working of the government at the local and national levels; fostering constructive citizen-government engagement; supporting dialogue at multiple levels to create a shared national vision for leadership and governance; and promoting positive role models for leadership and governance through popular culture.
Cast & Crew Info
- Featuring Gauri Malla, Pramod Agrahari, Vintuna Joshi, Ramesh Ranjan, Alok Thapa
- Written by Abinash Bikram Shah
- Executive Producer Deborah Jones
- Cinematography Sushan Prajapati
- Editor Sabina Basnet
- Funded by USAID
- Produced by Yubakar Raj Rajkarnikar
- Directed by Tsering Rhitar Sherpa