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Karma: Journey to Consciousness

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Cast & Crew Info
  • Film Specifications
  • Year 2006
  • Runtime 98 min
  • Format DV Cam
  • Language Tibetan, Nepali
  • Subtitles English

A small film could not have a bigger philosophical question: what is more important, inner development or outward social action?

In a nunnery in the high desert mountains of Mustang, a revered abbess dies, leaving signs that she will be reborn in the precious human form. Prayers and ritual must be done to help her consciousness into its next rebirth, but the nunnery coffers are empty.

The senior nuns decide that the only way out is get back money loaned out by the nunnery. A mysterious loan was made out to an equally mysterious Mr. Tashi who visited the senior nun in her last days. Given the shady rumours about Mr. Tashi, the nuns are convinced he took advantage of her in her dying state.

The two nuns assigned the mission to retrieve the money are Karma, a free-spirited nun, and her opposite, a textbook-sort of nun called Sonam. Mr. Tashi proves elusive. His shadowy trail leads them from the cloistered world of the high mountains, to the sin cities, and a host of small cruelties en route as well as Mr. Tashi’s growing infamy.



Karma is left to continue the mission on her own when her companion is temporarily disabled. Karma learns of Mr. Tashi’s ties to brothels and sets out to catch him red-handedly, but he turns out to be a rogue-turned-Samaritan, and Karma opts to return the money to him. A cool reception and admonishment greet her back at the nunnery.

Karma is absolved and redeemed when the mystery linking Mr. Tashi and the abbess is finally uncovered.

Cast & Crew Info

  • Cast Tsering Dolkar, Ani Yeshi Lhamo, Mithila Sharma, Jampa Kalsang
  • Story Tsering Rhitar Sherpa
  • Screenplay Kesang Tseten
  • Cinematography Ranjan Palit
  • Editor Tsering Rhitar Sherpa
  • Produced and Directed by Tsering Rhitar Sherpa